Social Media Management

How to change time zone for posting to social accounts

How to change time zone for posting to social accounts Drumup automatically assigns a time zone based on your computer/browser settings. This works 90% of the time and you don't have to do anything! However, based on security settings and the type of browser you are using, sometimes DrumUp cannot determine where you are and selects a default time zone for you. We apologize if this has happened to you. It is quick and simple to update your time zone. - You will need to update the time zon...

How to add Blog feeds to Drumup automatically

How to add Blog/RSS feeds to Drumup You can add specific Blog/RSS feeds (number of feeds you can add varies based on your subscription level) to DrumUp so you can curate and easily share more focused content with your network. To Add a Blog/RSS feed, just follow these steps: - From the Blog site, extract the RSS feed URL. Only blogs (or any other sites) that offer a well-formed, accurate RSS feed can be added to DrumUp. This is because, DrumUp relies on content being in a good format if ...

How does one-click schedule work in DrumUp?

How does one-click schedule work in DrumUp? One-click (1-click) scheduling is a power feature in DrumUp. You can setup which social accounts you want a suggested content to go to with minimal effort. Simply with "1-click". The suggested content can be content streams, RSS feeds, or in the case of Employee Advocacy users it can be the company newsfeed. The first time you attempt to do a 1-click post to your social networks, DrumUp will offer you to select the social accounts you want to automa...

What is the difference between Automatic, Custom and Now when scheduling social media posts?

What is the difference between Automatic, Custom and Now when scheduling social media posts? These options give you the most flexibility when you are creating a social media post with DrumUp. 1. Automatic is the default option. When you first setup DrumUp, the system creates an optimal social media schedule automatically for each of your connected social accounts (for example, 3 posting slots each day during your timezone's work hours, 8am to 5pm in your timezone). And when you select "Auto...

How does Instagram work with Drumup?

How does Instagram work with Drumup? The Instagram scheduling on DrumUp works a little differently than Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter scheduling. Instagram's API doesn't allow apps like ours to do the publishing for you, so when you schedule a post, here's what happens REQUIREMENTS: - On your mobile phone, DrumUp App is installed and your are logged in with the same account that has the instagram connected to it. - On the mobile phone, Instagram App is installed and you are logged ...

Why do Facebook posts show "Published by DrumUp" message?

When posting on Facebook, you will notice the "Published by DrumUp" tag; something like this screenshot below of a post on our own Facebook page: This is OK! Because if you however on the little question mark next to that tag, you will see this popup message: "Only people who manage this page can see this message" So the general audience do not see this message and only those members from your team who have admin, owner etc. access to your facebook page will see the message. At this time, t...

How do I enable/disable the URL shortener?

How do I enable/disable the URL shortener? Use the Settings tab (tool icon) on the top-right corner of your window to enable/disable the URL shortener by selecting/deselecting the 'Use URL shortener' check box, and clicking ‘Save’.

How do I see the click data for links in my posts?

How do I see the click data for links in my posts? To record and see the click data for the links in your posts, switch-on the URL shortener from the Settings tab. After activating the URL shortener, the clicks data would be available for the shortened urls on the ‘Analytics’ tab.

How do I access analytics for my social accounts?

How do I access analytics for my social accounts? Click on the 'Analytics' tab (the graph icon) on the top-right corner of your window to view analytics data for your selected social account (account selected on the left panel). The feature is available for the ‘Pro’ plans and above. For more on our analytics feature, please see our guide (

What is content library and how can I use the feature?

What is content library and how can I use the feature? The DrumUp content library lets you store your best and evergreen content in categories – so that you can re-use and re-schedule it later on your social accounts. You can also use the library to bookmark recommended posts for later reads and schedules. For more info on what all you can do with your content library, please see our guide (

Can I group social accounts to schedule a post to the ‘group’ in one go?

Can I group social accounts to schedule a post to the ‘group’ in one go? Yes, you can. It can be done from the dialog launched by the ‘custom post’ button (the red button at bottom right) or the blue ‘Schedule’ button. For more info on how to work with ‘Groups’ feature, please see our guide ( or the blog post (

Is there a DrumUp Guide to all features?

Is there a DrumUp Guide to all features? Yes, there is a Guide to Using DrumUp for Content Discovery, Curation and Social Media Management (

I'm unable to add a Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter account. It says the account is already connected. What do I do?

I'm unable to add a Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter account. It says the account is already connected. What do I do? The account may have been connected through another DrumUp account. Get in touch ( with us to add it to your preferred account.

I can't access Facebook and LinkedIn? How do I re-authenticate?

I can't access Facebook and LinkedIn? How do I re-authenticate? If you're asked to re-authenticate your Facebook or LinkedIn accounts, make sure you're logged in to the correct Facebook or LinkedIn account and re-authenticate your account by clicking on the link on the DrumUp dashboard to allow access.

What are Feeds? How can I use them?

What are Feeds? How can I use them? If you would like to follow or share posts from some specific publications or blogs, you can add their RSS feeds to DrumUp. You'll see the option under the 'Content' tab as 'Feeds'. To know more about how you can add and manage feeds refer to our guide (

How to share my own images to my Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram accounts?

How to share my own images to my Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram accounts? You can do this using the camera icon. The option is available when you use the blue 'Schedule' button on the 'Content' tab, the 'Edit' button on the 'Queue' tab and the 'Create' tab. Click on the camera icon, select the image you want and the image will be added.

I’m trying to add a new Twitter account and nothing happens? I’m trying to add a new Facebook or LinkedIn page, but I do not get that option.

I’m trying to add a new Twitter account and nothing happens? I’m trying to add a new Facebook or LinkedIn page, but I do not get that option. This may happen if you are already logged into a connected Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn account. In a new tab, log out of your current Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn account, and then go back to DrumUp dashboard, and click on “+Accounts” button on the left-side panel to login to the account you wish to add. The process from here should be straightforward.

How to schedule a post for a specific time and date?

How to schedule a post for a specific time and date? To do this, click on the blue 'Schedule' button displayed below the post and choose 'Custom' from the drop-down menu. Click on the calendar icon to choose your preferred time and date for the post.

How to schedule posts to connected Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account

How to schedule posts to connected Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account To schedule a post, click the blue 'Schedule' button or the green '1-Click Schedule' button to add it to the posting queue of the selected account on the left dashboard. The blue 'Schedule' button lets you edit the post, set auto/custom time and date for publishing, add recommended hashtags and @mentions, upload an image/emoji/GIF, schedule to all/multiple accounts/a group of accounts, and set the post on a repeat schedul...

My Facebook pages are not getting picked up to connect on DrumUp dashboard - how do I fix that?

My Facebook pages are not getting picked up to connect on DrumUp dashboard - how do I fix that? This may happen if you have not 'Okayed' one or two of the three permissions asked for, at the time of signing up using a Facebook account. To rectify this, remove the app from Facebook Settings>Apps, and try signing up again on DrumUp with Facebook. This time, make sure to Okay all 3 permissions, and your Facebook pages will be displayed on the left menu of the dashboard.

Can I work with LinkedIn, Facebook business pages and personal accounts?

Can I work with LinkedIn, Facebook business pages and personal accounts? Yes, you can work with pages as well as personal accounts. Click on the '+Account' button that on the top-left corner of the screen to add an account. Make sure you're logged in to the right social account before you proceed. However, as of August 2018, Facebook changed some rules for 3rd party software companies like DrumUp. You are able to only immediate post to facebook personal accounts but cannot schedule posts ahea...

How do I add my Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn account to my existing one?

How do I add my Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram account to my existing DrumUp profile? - Login through your existing DrumUp profile and click on the "Publisher" icon on the left-navigation. You will see existing accounts listed there. - Click on the green '+' button on the left-side panel to add another Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram account. Please make sure you're logged in to the correct Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram account before trying to add it throu...

My posts are publishing at erratic times. How do I change that?

My posts are publishing at erratic times. How do I change that? The posts are scheduled at regular intervals (during 'awake' hours) as per your chosen Frequency and Timezone settings. Review the Timezone setting in case your posts are getting published during the night or some other odd times.

How do I stop posting on select or all accounts?

How do I stop posting on select or all accounts? Simply go to Settings tab for the account you want to disable or remove. Use the "Status" field on this page to 'Disable' or 'Remove' the account(s) and all posting will be paused/stopped on the account(s). 'Disable' will allow you to re-start posting anytime, by activating the account from the same drop down in the Settings tab. If you 'Remove' the account, the account will be removed completely and to re-start you'll have to re-connect the acc...

How do I edit scheduled posts?

How do I edit scheduled posts? - Go to the "Publisher" tab on the left nav menu - Select the social account that you want to review / update / delete prescheduled posts for - You should be able to see the date time of each prescheduled post, update or delete that post - You can also edit any scheduled post from the 'Compact' or 'Calendar' view by clicking on the post and then on 'Edit’. - This is the 'Compact' View - This is the 'Calendar' View

Add custom posts to my story queue

Add custom posts to my story queue You can do this by using the red 'Create custom post' icon at the bottom right of your page. You can also add an image/emoji/GIF as a part of the custom post, schedule it for a specific time-date, schedule it to all/multiple/a group of accounts and set it on a repeat schedule.

Why are my Facebook posts to my personal account failing?

Why are my Facebook posts to my personal account failing? If you are using a facebook personal profile with drumup, please note that Facebook made some changes with those kinds of accounts as of August-2018. Please see below how we are helping customers like you adopt to facebook's changes. On August 1st, 2018, Facebook made changes so that you cannot "schedule" posts to your personal facebook profile using 3rd party tools (like DrumUp, HootSuite, Buffer, etc.). However, everything else with...