Why are my Facebook posts to my personal account failing?

Why are my Facebook posts to my personal account failing?

If you are using a facebook personal profile with drumup, please note that Facebook made some changes with those kinds of accounts as of August-2018. Please see below how we are helping customers like you adopt to facebook's changes.

On August 1st, 2018, Facebook made changes so that you cannot "schedule" posts to your personal facebook profile using 3rd party tools (like DrumUp, HootSuite, Buffer, etc.).

However, everything else within drumup and Facebook is the same:

  • You can post via Drumup to your Linkedin personal profile and LinkedIn pages
  • You can post via Drumup to you Facebook business /company pages
  • You can post via Drumup to Facebook personal pages IMMEDIATELY also (no future scheduling as you noted below)
  • You can post via Drumup to your twitter personal and business profiles

We have recently implemented a new feature whereby we make it easy for you to IMMEDIATE post onto your personal Facebook page.  Wherever you are within DrumUp (content streams, RSS feeds, etc.), you will see a button similar to "Post on F" which will enable you to post to your logged-in personal facebook page immediately.  This is the only way Facebook allows 3rd parties like us to post onto personal Facebook page.  This "Post on Facebook" option is also available now in the emails you get from DrumUp.

One recommendation we have for you, especially for the long-term, is to create a "personal brand" or "business" page that is separate from your personal profile.  This signifies to your followers that you are a professional and that you are not just pushing your personal agenda on your friends.  We have seen several freelancers and small businesses do this successfully over time and create a flourishing brand that is unique from their own personal Facebook profile.  This is the approach Facebook also wants you to take and is the ideal approach for the long-term.

Here is an article on how to accomplish this elegantly! The Facebook Conundrum: Personal Profile vs. Personal Brand Page

We are happy to help you with anything you need!  Please reach out here if you want to brainstorm on ideas to build your personal brand on Facebook and one of our Customer Success Managers can setup a time to do that.  Please email us support (at) drumup.io